Friday, August 18, 2006

just as literary

I find it an appropriate starting point to remark that according to my private research the 'historical Jesus' is a near "total myth" (see Acharya S, The Origins of Christianity and the Quest for the Historical Jesus Christ, 2001). Gautama The Buddha is too – a remarkable disclosure I should think, being as I am so deeply intimated with Bauddha tradition. I mean obviously, "a priest." Yet I would hope that my present ad libitum extensions of assumptions – apropos the quasi- and/or erstwhile historical figures being "just as literary" (if I may put it that way), or as "textual" as the beastly crucified Jesus – I would therefore hope to be granted a little standing as per the primmediacy of my puzzling motives. I mean really, if I'm so jolly willing to deprive my self of my own safe haven by biting, as it were, the very hand that feeds me - then please understand that I'm NOT out for scalps.